Marshall Historical Society

Roads in the Town of Marshall
Dorothy McConnell

West Hill Road was once called School Street in Deansboro, as the Union School was on the site of the present Ruia property. This school burned in 1931 and school was held in the Beehive, Maccabee Hall and over the old post office until centralized and a new elementary school house was built, which is now the Town Hall. The road was renamed after the school burned. It was named for the fact that it ascends the hill to the west of Deansboro.

Brothertown Road Brothertown Road was once called Brooks Road for Sunnybrook Orchards which was once located there. Don Williams now lives where the orchard used to be. Now Brothertown Road is named for the Brothertown Indian Burial Ground located there.

Hughes Road East and Hughes Road West is named for John Hughes who had a large farm there. The farm is now owned by Jack Buschmann.

Van Hyning Road was named for an early family. Etta Van Hyning Hoag's family still lives there: Lorraine Price and Raymond Van Hyning - sister and brother).

Green Vedder Road which runs from State Rte. 12B to West Hill Road still has Greens and Vedders living on it.

Bogan Road which runs from State Rte 315 to Sanger Hill Road was named for the Bogans.

Forge Hollow Road was previously called Canning Road. The first forge that was built in Forge Hollow was erected by Daniel Hanchett about 1800. After that it was called Forge Hollow. Forge Hollow Road was also called the Deansboro Road. It is now designated State Route 315.

Maxwell Road was once called Bush Road for an early family from Post Street to Fountain Street. Bill Maxwell was astrong Democrat and later the name of the road was called Maxwell. The road from Post Street west to Lumbard Road was called Barker for an early family. Wen 911 numbers were instated, that name was changed to Maxwell from Fountain Street to Grant Hill Road. Now Barker Road is from Grant Hill Road to Lumbard.

Post Street was named for the family of Darius Post who once built and lived on the Four Corners and who gave land for a Baptist Meeting House and Rural Cemetery. Darius Post is buried in the Post Street Cemetery.

East Hill Road and Terry Road became Shanley Road and named for a family living at the top of the hill where the Goldsteins now live. The Terrys lived on what is now the Schachtler Farm.

Grant Hill Road is named for the Grant Family which lived where Henry Warshal lived. Asahel Grant became a doctor missionary in what was called Turkey.

Page Road was from Barker Road to East Hill Road. Gridley Road was from East Hill Road to State Rte 315. An "i" was apparently added when the name of the entire road was changed to Gridley-Paige Road.

Burnham Road was once called Chubbock Hollow Road for a family living there in the 1930s. The Burnhams lived there in the 1940s.

Main Street. Originally the road through the Hamlet of Deansboro was called Main Street. It is now State Route 12b.

See also: Roads in the Town of Marshall by Janet Dangler

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